A Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) can help you focus on having the funds to maintain a good lifestyle in retirement.
When you set up a SMSF you become the trustee of your SMSF. You can have the fund’s technical aspects handled by qualified experts but you are still the ultimate boss! Yes, you are the head of the Board when it comes to running your SMSF and the regulators are making it very clear – ignorance is no excuse.
You don’t need to fear this if you:
Have the advice of experts
At TAG, our advisers are superannuation specialists. We provide professional development to the accounting industry – our annual superannuation seminar is Australia’s longest running and most successful superannuation seminar and is designed to help financial advisers keep up to date with superannuation changes.
Ask questions
Our advisers meet with every Trustee on an annual basis, which gives the Trustee a great opportunity to understand and ask questions about their specific situation.
Understand your responsibilities
TAG offers all Trustees of the funds we administer complimentary Trustee Training, which explains your role and responsibilities.
Come along to our Trustee Training to ensure you are the best Trustee you can be and optimise your retirement – Tuesday 27th June, 6-7pm.