Financial Planning – where it went wrong!

Having been a Chartered Accountant and Financial Planner for over 20 years, it is clear to me where financial planning went wrong.  Financial Planners have often started at the end of the process – the product.  This means they have focused on the sale of the product and made their money from the product.  No wonder people are dubious about the industry.

At TAG, we don’t start with the product, we start with you.  And when we meet with you, we want to know these key things:

  1. Where are you now?
  2. Where do you want to be?
  3. What’s important to you?
  4. Can we help you get there?

Whether you’re 25 or 65, we get the answers to these questions by having you go through our Wealth Projection Tool process.  This gives you an understanding of the different options – it’s more than just picking a few investments and hoping for the best.  I am not saying for one minute that selecting the most appropriate investments is not an important part of wealth creation. What I am saying is start at the beginning – start with our Wealth Projections Tool, it really opens your eyes!

Please don’t fall into the trap of thinking you are not wealthy enough to get advice. The reality for many is they will be poor forever if they don’t engage a Wealth Advisor. Once the process starts it surprises many people on how little changes make a big difference over time.

Take the first step today!

Michelle Griffiths, Partner, Investment Advisory & Wealth

Disclaimer: The information contained on this page is general in nature.  Professional advice should be sought before acting on any aspect on this page.