Meet the Team – Tony Rule, Partner – Business Advisory & Taxation

What do you do at TAG?  

I help solve problems for new and existing clients and help business owners to get what they deserve from their business. 

Often business owners work the hardest, take all the risks and get paid the least – I work to fix this for our clients. 

How do you prefer to start your day? Tea or Coffee?

Controversially neither (don’t enjoy tea or coffee which in Melbourne makes me a bit of an alien?). I usually start the day with a glass of cold water.

What was your first job?

My first paid job was as a “winery rat” at Brown Brothers Winery in Northeast Victoria where I burnt off wax inside concrete tanks and then reapplied new wax before the tank could be filled with red wine – literally “wax off – wax on”. It helped me understand the importance of studying and choosing a good profession.

Who would be your 3 ideal dinner guests, dead or alive?

Ronald Dale Barrassi, Denis Pagan and John Kennedy Senior – three gentlemen that demanded and achieved the best from their team.

What’s your favourite movie? 

The Matrix Trilogy, but I have not seen the recent fourth instalment (maybe I should now be referring to the Matrix quadrilogy!). Ground-breaking for its time in special effects and storytelling. Nothing like a good sci-fi movie!

Do you have any pets?

Yes – two dogs. A large black labradoodle named Jack who loves people (and looks like an Irish Wolfhound) and a little white and brown Cavalon (a King Charles Cavalier crossed with a Papillon) called Lulu who takes great delight in keeping Jack under control.

Who’s someone you admire and why?

I think that most people have admirable qualities whether it is persevering against adversity, the skill of their chosen career or sport, raising children, being a good communicator, being passionate about a particular cause or having the strength to change what is wrong. If you ask enough questions, you will usually find admirable qualities in most people.

Got any favourite quotes?

 “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.”

Michelangelo, an Italian Sculptor from about 500 years ago (this quote is still relevant to this day!)

What are three items you’d take with you to a deserted island?

Family, food and wine….