8 Investment Principles for Success

At TAG, we don’t believe in get rich quick schemes and we don’t have magical investment formulas. What we offer is quality advice and support to reach your financial goals.

“Our 8 investment principles are based on years of experience and successful implementation which we use for ourselves and with our clients.”
Leigh Jobling, Partner, TAG Financial Services

1 – Have a plan and set goals
Identifying your financial goals and establishing a solid plan to help get you there, gives you clear direction and results.

2 – Establish your timeframe
Having a good sense of how you want to use your money, when you want to use it and how much you need drives your financial decisions. For example, don’t invest in shares for a quick gain if you will need money in 12 months. The intended quick gain could actually be a quick loss.

3 – Determine your tolerance risk
Almost everyone is happy to be an aggressive investor when times are good, but attitudes to risk change when markets fall. Ensure your investment choices reflect your tolerance to volatility and risk.

4 – Focus on quality and be patient
Invest in things you know will be there tomorrow – a great quality share portfolio or investment property. Sensible and controlled investing is not gambling, but speculative investing is. Stick with quality and be patient- you will be rewarded in time.

5 – Resist the temptation to follow the herd
For many, investment decisions are based on their emotions at the time. Following the herd or making snap decisions based on emotion is a recipe for disaster. Set your own goals and make rational and factual based decisions where possible.

6 – Invest regularly starting now
Commencing your investment strategy as early as you can allows you to build the foundations of future financial success. Even while markets are low, if you are disciplined and patient you will reap the rewards when markets recover. Having a process to invest smaller amounts on a regular basis reduces the chances of a poor decision to invest large amounts at the wrong time.

7 – Never over commit
Borrowing to invest can be a good way to increase your wealth over time, but ensure this does not place unnecessary pressure on your family finances or require compromises on your lifestyle. Ensure you have an emergency cash supply by making sure a portion of your investments are liquid and can be sold quickly if the need arises.

8 – Get advice
Most people that are financially content and successful don’t do it on their own, they get advice. If you have the right adviser that takes an interest in you and your family’s needs and provides you quality advice, then your chances of achieving financial security increases dramatically.

What should you do now?

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Wealth Projection Tool
Our most powerful tool for wealth creation. TAG’s Wealth Projection Tool will show you how long your money will last, is easy to understand, provides clarity and helps create targets and goals. Contact us to arrange a time.

Disclaimer: The information contained is general in nature. Professional advice should be sought before acting on any aspect on this page. Financial planning services provided by TAG Financial Advisors Pty Ltd (ABN 77 154 205 017 AFSL 415632), a wholly owned subsidiary of TAG Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 67 075 374 686).