COVID-19: TAG’s approach to looking after you and our team

At TAG, our priority is the health and well being of our clients and our team.

Whilst there is currently no direct impact on TAG’s service, we are putting in precautionary measures to minimise any COVID-19 risks, including:

Meetings at TAG
We ask that anyone that has just returned from overseas in the last 14 days, is unwell or has been in contact with anyone that has COVID-19, does not come into the TAG premises.

If you do come into our office be assured that we have a thorough process of cleaning our meeting rooms after each appointment. We also have hand sanitiser at reception and bathrooms available for washing of hands should you need it when visiting us.

Meeting Virtually
We can conduct meetings with clients and suppliers via phone or other virtual means should the need arise.

Team Education
Our team has been kept informed of how the virus is transmitted and best hygiene practices.

Travel Restrictions
TAG have put in place travel restrictions for our team and will be using virtual meetings instead.

Social Distancing
We are postponing onsite events and larger meetings until further notice and will be using webinar and video technology instead. To help reduce the spread of germs, we are a handshake free zone.

Ability to Work Remotely
If needed, we have the ability for many of our staff to continue to work remotely.

Building Closure
In the event that our team is deemed at risk of COVID-19, our office may close temporarily. In this case we will continue working remotely.

Service Standards
Where possible, our service standards will be maintained. Where limited resources arise, services will need to be prioritised.

Ongoing Assessment
We are regularly assessing the information available through the department of health and human services and will update as needed.


If you have any questions, please contact us on 03 9886 0800 or via email.